Conspar is carrying out structural building repairs at a residential property in Wembley to treat a rising damp problem.
An initial Conspar inspection of the property revealed typical signs of a rising damp problem, such as high moisture readings and paint damage above the skirting boards.
No damp-proof course at the exterior of the building was evident allowing moisture to penetrate through to the interior.
To best protect the property against future moisture penetration and damage Conspar is treating the exterior and interior of the home.
Established in 1969, Conspar specialises in building maintenance diagnostics and repair for residential, commercial, strata, heritage, industrial and publicly-owned properties in the Perth metro area.
Its team of experienced building repair technicians is led by two registered builders, a registered architect and a registered painter.
#perthbuildinginspection #perthbuildingrepairdiagnostics #perthbuildingrepair #wembley #risingdamptreatment