If your property is the subject of a Building Commission case and you need a reputable builder to provide an inspection report and / or carry out the repairs, Conspar can help.

Photo: A young apartment building in Fremantle where waterproofing hasn't been installed under the tiles of the balcony. Without waterproofing a property can suffer a multitude of problems that end up costing a lot more than the waterproofing itself.
Listed at the WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website for registered builders (https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/building-commission/find-registered-builder) under parent company Consolidated Protective Coatings Pty Ltd

Conspar, locally-owned and operated, is a trusted name among Perth property owners when it comes to providing professional building maintenance services, built on more than 50 years industry experience.
Working to Australian Standards for every job, property inspections are just one of the many repair and maintenance services Conspar offers to its clients whether they be for residential, commercial, heritage, industrial or publicly-owned properties.
Contact Conspar today to get your Building Commission issues resolved.
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