Conspar waterproofing works have begun at block of residential apartments in Cottesloe.

The initial stage of works was treatment of concrete cancer at the common access balconies and staircases of the property.
The waterproofing works include application of Conspar's 5-layer protective coating system - an important aspect of helping to prevent concrete cancer from re-occurring. The coatings are water resistant helping to protect surfaces from water penetration - the main cause of concrete cancer.
Concrete cancer is where steel reinforcement within concrete becomes exposed to moisture and begins to rust, causing further concrete damage and eventual spalling (dropping off). It can also compromise the structural integrity of a building thus becoming a significant safety issue on various fronts.
Conspar's protective coatings are also eight times more abrasion-resistant than concrete to help protect floor surfaces from damage and water penetration which could otherwise lead to concrete cancer.
Conspar, established in 1969, led by a registered builder, registered architect and registered painter specialises in structural building maintenance. It caters for residential, commercial and industrial properties in Perth.
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